公园 & Wildlife
峡谷花园代表了佛罗里达的水流所产生的永无止境的形状. 这条陡峭的峡谷是由水流从圣乔治河西岸侧翼的沙质山脊下流过而形成的. Johns River. In 1933, 联邦工程管理局(WPA)用杜鹃花和其他外来植物在峡谷中创造了一个引人注目的花园景观. 这里的景观仍然是有徒步小径的正式花园. 花园的花期是1月下旬到4月.
观鸟者和非观鸟者都被峡谷以及正式和自然的花园所吸引. 才能真正欣赏到非凡的地形, 在宽阔的小径上徒步或骑自行车游览峡谷, 或者在1号公路上开车或骑车绕着峡谷走.8-mile Ravine Loop Road. 寻找迁徙的鸣禽,如蓝尾莺和栗边莺在季节的落叶坡林, as well as resident woodpeckers, hawks and owls. 日落前一小时,环行路禁止车辆通行, but remains open for pedestrians, bicycles and wheelchairs.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds feed in the gardens in spring/summer; Cedar Waxwings flock near the amphitheater in April. On occasion, the pond at the bottom of the ravine has ducks and wading birds; be on the lookout for Wilson’s Snipe and American Woodcock as well. 公园的清单中包括东方尖声猫头鹰, Wood Thrush, Blue Grosbeak, Baltimore Oriole and Whip-poor-will. 这个网站从一月到四月都很忙, when visitors descend on the formal gardens to see the thousands of showy azaleas, Chickasaw plums, dogwoods and camellias in bloom. During these months, the best time to visit is early in the morning and during weekdays.
娱乐设施包括野餐区、观赏花园、众多的徒步小径和1.沿着80英亩峡谷的上边缘铺设了8英里的环形步道. A community civic center complex is available for meetings, weddings and special events.
59英亩的花园,自然小径,运动课程和野餐区. The 1.峡谷周围有一条长达8英里的公路,可驾车、骑车或步行前往.
1600 Twigg Street, Palatka
Admission is $4.00 (1 person in vehicle), $5.00 (2-8 people in vehicle), $2.00 (1 person walking in park). Children under 6 free. Open Daily - 8:00 a.m. until Sundown
Directions: 从美国公路17号交叉口/SR 100/Reid St. and Moseley Ave. 在Palatka,向南走Moseley大街. 为0.8 mi. Turn left (east) on Twigg St. and drive 0.2 mi. The park entrance (at Ravine Dr.) is on your right.
坐落在奥克拉瓦哈和圣. 约翰斯里弗斯是卡拉维尔牧场野生动物管理区, replete with hardwood river swamps, pine flatwoods, hardwood hammocks and improved pastures punctuated with small depression ponds. 24,869英亩的河底硬木, 牧场和松棕榈树林,小吊床交织在一起. 这里有120多个物种,从水鸟到猛禽再到莺. 一些有趣的鸟类包括林普金, Barn Owl, Hairy Woodpecker, Purple Gallinule, Sandhill Crane, Least Bittern, 东部蓝鸟和东部草地鹨. 如果你是在狩猎季节来的, between September and March, 你可以自由开车进入这个地区, 在那里你可能会看到麻雀(咬, Savannah, Swamp, Song and Bachman’s), Wild Turkey and wading birds. Waterfowl (Hooded Merganser, 冬季,罗德曼水库和跨佛罗里达驳船运河上可能会出现环颈鸭和雪鹅(CR 310有三条通道可用), west of SR 19—Deep Creek, Canal and Horseshoe). 从3月到8月,成群的燕尾鸢可以在沼泽或牧场上找到. 在检疫站或步入式入口领取地图和鸟类清单,以便更好地规划您的行程(也可从FWC网站获得). 如果你是在狩猎季节以外的时候来的,那就走直通入口.在车站入口以南7英里处.在驳船运河桥以南8英里处)在路的东侧. 由三条徒步小径组成的环线(最多4条).(5英里)通向一个吊床,在那里你可以看到春天和秋天的鸣禽迁徙. 您也可以从正门的步入式门进入.
There are series of trails that are mixed use and traverse through a variety of ecosystems. 野餐区和野生动物观赏. 季节性使用包括徒步旅行,骑自行车,划船和划独木舟. Several equestrian trail areas are available which are accessible at the S.R. 19 entrance.
狩猎季节从九月到次年三月. Turkey hunting is excellent, while deer, migratory bird, small game, 猎野猪也很公平. 在四个50英亩的鸽子场提供了一个特殊的鸽子狩猎机会. 注意,在狩猎季节,小径是关闭的.
Please click here for hunting calendar dates, regulations and more information. For more information, 联系佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护协会, Northeast Region Office, 1239 S.W. 10th St., Ocala, FL. (352) 732-1225.
Directions: 从Palatka向南走19号高速公路大约. 10 mi. The main entrance is 1.1 mi. 驳船运河大桥南面,在道路的左(东)侧. 如果从南面进入,正门是12英里. 在314号高速公路交叉口以北.
这个温水孵化场建于1926年,供美国海军陆战队使用.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to raise fish for stocking programs throughout the southeast. The 41 production ponds where they raise young fish have attracted wading birds for years. 然而,孵化场并没有赶走这些鸟,而是为观鸟者建造了一个观景塔! 观鸟者遇到的一些物种是秃鹰, Osprey, egrets and herons of all types, Anhinga, Double-crested Cormorant, White Ibis, Wood Stork, 带着腰带的翠鸟和戴着头巾的秋沙鸭, to name a few. 想要不同的体验,可以徒步旅行.75英里的自然步道就在迁徙林地物种和野生火鸡的观察塔以北. 也扫描一下停车场周围的电线,看看有没有东部蓝鸟. An aquarium showcasing the hatchery program is located on the east side of the road, 2.在瞭望塔以北7英里处. 孵化场的工作人员也会组织优秀的团体旅游, where visitors can see birds as well as learn about fish and hatchery operations. 请提前致电了解详情并为您的团体预订座位.
Since 1871, 国家鱼类孵化场一直在应用基于科学的方法来应对保护挑战. 我们与合作伙伴共同努力,让公众参与到保护工作中来, restore, 增强鱼类和其他水生资源. 保护是我们工作的核心, and we recognize, 既包括受益于今天的这一代人,也包括将继承我们保护美国水生资源遗产的后代.
Welaka National Fish Hatchery is charged with producing Atlantic Striped Bass for the St. 为了维持人口的生态,历史和经济目的. 该孵化场还与墨西哥湾沿岸各州合作,生产和保护从佛罗里达州到佐治亚州和阿拉巴马州的墨西哥湾条纹鲈鱼. Recently, 孵化场已经开始使用两种联邦政府列出的物种, 受到联邦政府威胁的东部靛蓝蛇和联邦政府濒危的佛罗里达蚱蜢麻雀. 孵化场还接收羽翼丰满的麻雀,并将它们饲养,直到它们被放归野外.
参观孵化场必须预约, 因此,请致电我们的办公室386-467-2374来安排您的行程. 威拉卡国家鱼类孵化场是学校实地考察的好地方. 欢迎公共团体和家庭学校团体参加. 游客中心的工作时间是周一至周五上午8点至下午3点. 详情请致电386-467-2374. 726 CR 309 Welaka, FL.
Directions: From the intersection of SR 20/S. 9th St. and US 17/SR 100/Reid St. 在Palatka,走17号公路/SR 100/SR 20/Reid St. south for 11.7 mi. to CR 309 in Satsuma. 在309号国道右转(西南方向),向南走6英里. 去路左边(东边)的水族馆. 观察塔和生产池2个.7 mi. 再往南,在路的左(东)边.
A series of foot trails offers the public an opportunity to walk and observe wildlife. 漫步在威拉卡州立森林的小径上, look for woodpeckers, eagles, hawks, wrens, warblers, Osceola turkey, heron, egrets, and owls.
The Sandhill Horse Trail is available for equestrian use, as well as hiking. 威拉卡州立森林还管理着一个72匹马的马厩, 训练场地和马术表演场地, which are all available for rental.
Welaka State Forest has 2,288 acres of various ecosystems along the east bank of the St. Johns River. 林业部门保持自然系统的完整性,同时允许户外娱乐使用和环境教育, 包括完善的马术设施. Welaka State Forest is located approximately 17 miles south of Palatka on C.R. 309号,在维拉卡镇以南一英里处. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(386)467-2388与威拉卡州立森林联系.
参观威拉卡国家鱼类孵化场的游客还应该探索威拉卡国家森林的小径,在湿地上观鸟, flatwoods, sandhills, bayheads and hardwood hammocks. 总部南边的停车场, 铺设的森林教育步道(ADA无障碍)为森林的栖息地和野生动物提供了很好的解释. 木板路也延伸到St. John’s River, 吸引像靛蓝鹀这样的迁徙鸣禽, Black-throated Green Warblers and Black-and-white Warblers in October and again in April. 约翰登陆小径向南延伸4英里多.5 miles worth of hiking. Expect Wild Turkeys, Northern Bobwhites, 成群的迁徙莺和佛罗里达沙丘鹤在短暂的湿地筑巢. 秃鹰在附近筑巢,经常飞过庄园上空. The Mud Spring Trail is 1.它长7英里,入口在森林教育步道的北边. 虽然它的观鸟特性很好, it is heavily traveled; visit on a weekday morning for the best experience. Pick up a bird list and trail map at the entrance kiosk or at the forest office, as there are 8 miles of hiking trails and 7 miles of horse trails available. This is a remote area, so bring water and prepare for heat and insects in summer.
Welaka State Forest is located approximately 17 miles south of Palatka on C.R. 309号,在维拉卡镇以南一英里处. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(386)467-2388与威拉卡州立森林联系.
Directions: From the intersection of SR 20/S. 9th St. and US 17/SR 100/Reid St. 在Palatka,走17号公路/SR 100/SR 20/Reid St. south for 11.7 mi. to CR 309 in Satsuma. 在309号国道右转(西南方向),然后走6号路.6 mi. 到国家森林局,也就是0.5 mi. 在威拉卡以南的左(东)侧的道路. 泥泉小道入口在路的右(西)边,办公室以北130码. Go 1 mi. south from the office to reach the Forest Education Trail and the John’s Landing trailhead, 在路的右(西)边.
Located in Marion, Putnam and Lake Counties, the Ocala National Forest has 382,408英亩的土地,从密集的沙质松灌木橡树群落到干湿草原,再到长叶松棕榈平原林. Camping, dogs and ATVs are allowed.
小猎物狩猎很好,鹿和火鸡狩猎也不错. 猎人在打猎时可能会遇到熊.
奥卡拉国家森林的盐泉遗址提供了一条2英里长的环形步道,穿过灌木丛生的平坦树林,沿着清澈的树林到达硬木森林, 冷, spring run. Enter at the Salt Springs Recreation Area (fee) for quick access to the water, or park and hike the Salt Springs Trail for free at the trailhead located 1.在娱乐区和露营地以南25英里处. 这条小路是灌木丛,所以你会在季节里看到一些候鸟. 在水边,寻找涉水者和林普金. A blue-blazed, 4英里长的步道将娱乐区与橘色的佛罗里达国家风景步道连接起来, 穿过奥卡拉国家森林,南北延伸66英里. 你也可以在盐泉独木舟小径上划桨, 从娱乐区通往乔治湖的那条路, the second largest lake in Florida. 当你在国家森林里开车的时候, 当你经过佛罗里达灌木松鸦的最佳栖息地时,注意它们栖息在电线上——大约5英尺高的灌木橡树. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) trees are marked with white painted bands; clusters occur throughout the forest. For information on specific RCW sites, call the Forest office at (352) 625-2520. 盐泉是一个很受欢迎的游泳地点,非常繁忙, 所以观鸟最好是在早晨和工作日. 在春天附近找刺柏. Seasonal hunting occurs at this site; see page 127 for dates, regulations and more information.
Directions: To access, travel south on S.R. 离帕拉特卡约15英里. For more information, 联系佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护协会, Northeast Region Office, 1239 S.W. 10th St., Ocala, FL. (352) 732-1225.
盐泉大约位于SR 19号. 0.6 mi. 在314号高速公路交叉口以北 on the northeast side of the Ocala National Forest. The hiking trailhead is 1.25 mi. 盐泉娱乐区南部,在SR 19的东侧.
Visitors to the 8,876-acre Etoniah Creek State Forest/Wildlife Management Area have plenty of ground to cover; one could easily spend all day getting acquainted with this site, as there is so much to see. 12英里的多用途步道可供您使用, and numerous miles of unpaved forest roads are accessible to most vehicles, 尽管有些道路在狩猎季节之外是封闭的. 就栖息地而言,该地区最多样化的大佛罗里达观鸟和野生动物步道之一, 这个地点面对着一个770英亩的湖泊,保护着沙丘, pine flatwoods, scrub, hardwoods, 淡水沼泽和淡水湿地, plus miles of charming, 单宁的溪流和开阔的田野. 这里有三个主要的入口,从西到东. On the 4.75-mile Longleaf Pine Trail (part of the Florida Forest Service’s Trailwalker Program), 寻找美国东南部的红隼, Northern Bobwhite, Pine Warbler, 绒毛啄木鸟和北闪鸟. 瞥见那片神奇的迷迭香, only found in Putnam County, is your reward for reaching the end of the trail (bring water and your camera). George’s Lake Trail off Tinsley Rd. is a short path leading through bottomland hardwoods (listen for Yellow-throated, White-eyed and Red-eyed Vireos, Red-shouldered Hawk and Carolina Wren) to a lakeside observation deck where wading birds, Fish Crow, 红翼黑鹂和秃鹰可能会出现. 在霍洛威日间使用区(Holloway Day Use Area)探索灌木丛和平坦的树林社区(需付费进入),在那里您可能会看到红头啄木鸟和东土鹅. 游客可以沿着森林内部的道路徒步或骑自行车,聆听巴赫曼的《爱博体育app》, 棕头Nuthatch和普通黄喉鸟. 在第一个小溪渡口的野餐区, don’t miss the chance to eavesdrop on Hooded Warbler and Northern Parula along the banks.
森林是哺乳动物的家园,如谢尔曼狐松鼠, Florida Mouse, Bobcat, 东南口袋地鼠和灰狐, 也是佛罗里达黑熊的重要旅行通道. Pig Frog, Bronze Frog, Southern Toad, Six-lined Racerunner, Gopher Tortoise, 你可以观察到的其他野生动物还有小褐飞龙、黑虎燕尾和东虎燕尾. Primitive camping is allowed by permit; listen for the calls of Great Horned Owl and Chuck-wills-widow as you drift off to sleep. Hunting takes place at this site; please call for information on dates, regulations and more. Contact the office for additional information on access via special use permits. 鹿, 猎松鼠和火鸡是不错的选择, while wild hog, migratory bird, and small game hunting is fair.
只有得到林业部门的许可才能露营. No dogs or ATVs are permitted. Etoniah Creek State Forest is located in the northwest part of the County off S.R. 100 on Holloway Rd. For more information, contact Etoniah Creek State Forest, 390 Holloway Road, Florahome, FL. (386) 329-2552.
Directions: 从Palatka的17号国道出发,沿SR 100/Reid St向西北行驶. 12.7 mi. to Holloway Rd. Turn right (north) and proceed 2.5 mi. 到Fieldhouse路的正门. on the right (east). 要到达其他入口,继续往北走霍洛威路. for 1.1 mi. Turn left (west) onto Tinsley Rd. and go 0.6 mi. 到乔治湖步道的右边(北边)和1.9 mi. 左侧(南侧)的长叶松径. 从Florahome的SR 100出发,沿着Coral Farms Rd向北行驶. for 4.1 mi. to reach Tinsley Rd. or continue east on SR 100 for 2.3 mi. to Holloway Rd.
3,725英亩是美国林木农场系统的一部分,也是佛罗里达林务局管理森林的一部分. 这些项目的一个特点是,坚持一种管理方案,不仅重视提供收入的松树种植园,而且重视整个生态系统. 它们表明,土地不仅是农业企业,而且是我们所有人的生态资产. 我们承诺遵守保护水资源的最佳管理规范,并遵守野生动物最佳管理规范,这只是我们采取的第一步,以确保在我们的土地上生产的木材和纤维不是唯一的收益. Between the Ocklawaha and St. 约翰斯里弗斯是卡拉维尔牧场野生动物管理区, replete with hardwood river swamps, pine flatwoods, hardwood hammocks and improved pastures punctuated with small depression ponds. 这里有120多个物种,从水鸟到猛禽再到莺. 一些有趣的鸟类包括林普金, Barn Owl, Hairy Woodpecker, Purple Gallinule, Sandhill Crane, Least Bittern, 东部蓝鸟和东部草地鹨. 如果你是在狩猎季节来的, between September and March, 你可以自由开车进入这个地区, 在那里你可能会看到麻雀(咬, Savannah, Swamp, Song and Bachman’s), Wild Turkey and wading birds. Waterfowl (Hooded Merganser, 冬季,罗德曼水库和跨佛罗里达驳船运河上可能会出现环颈鸭和雪鹅(CR 310有三条通道可用), west of SR 19—Deep Creek, Canal and Horseshoe). 从3月到8月,成群的燕尾鸢可以在沼泽或牧场上找到. 在检疫站或步入式入口领取地图和鸟类清单,以便更好地规划您的行程(也可从FWC网站获得). 如果你是在狩猎季节以外的时候来的,那就走直通入口.在车站入口以南7英里处.在驳船运河桥以南8英里处)在路的东侧. 由三条徒步小径组成的环线(最多4条).(5英里)通向一个吊床,在那里你可以看到春天和秋天的鸣禽迁徙. 您也可以从正门的步入式门进入.
在一条土路上颠簸着,只有越野高尔夫球车的电动机轻轻地旋转着,凝视着头顶上高耸的郁郁葱葱的松树, 你可以开始想象佛罗里达在从长叶松林变成城市扩张之前的样子和感觉. 我们想向你介绍狂野的佛罗里达, 黑熊抚育幼崽,白尾鹿拖着一岁的幼崽悠闲地吃草. We also want you to understand the relationship our family has with the land. 这是一种相互给予和尊重的关系. 我们耕种这片土地,但我们也努力保护它. 我们认为,鱼与熊掌可以兼得,只要你能把握好平衡. You will learn how prescribed fire, long rotation timber management, 长叶松的恢复可以改善本地物种的栖息地和保护水资源.
您将在主人的带领下参观湿地保护区, 有限责任公司, 一个3700英亩的美国树木农场系统认证的树木农场. 湿地保护区位于普特南县,毗邻占地4500英亩的赖斯溪保护区和1200英亩的九英里沼泽公园.
最好的旅游时间是2月初到4月初,那时成千上万的野生杜鹃花正在盛开! 建议在清晨(日出时或日出后)开始,因为那时鸟类和其他野生动物更活跃.
Directions: 从Palatka向南走19号高速公路大约. 10 mi. The main entrance is 1.1 mi. 驳船运河大桥南面,在道路的左(东)侧. 如果从南面进入,正门是12英里. 在314号高速公路交叉口以北. Click for Facebook & YouTube.
从圣. Johns River to the Gulf of Mexico, 跨佛罗里达绿道是一条110英里长的走廊,穿过各种自然栖息地.
普特南县是绿道的东部起点, with several recreation areas including Kenwood and Rodman Recreation Areas, located on Rodman Reservoir, Buckman Lock and the St. Johns Loop Trails.
At the trailhead, south of Palatka, there are a series of trails that include a 4.5英里的徒步小径,蜿蜒穿过柏树湿地和水力吊床的天然林地.
The Putnam County segment of the 1,佛罗里达国家风景步道的300英里步道可在十字佛罗里达绿道到达. 这条小径向北延伸至赖斯溪保护区, 连接着帕拉特卡到巴特勒湖小径和伊顿尼亚州立森林. 欲了解更多信息,请联系佛罗里达步道协会. (877) HIKE-FLA.
The St. 约翰环线有一条2英里长的马术步道,沿着佛罗里达驳船运河的南侧行进.
Cross Florida Greenway, 肯伍德和罗德曼休闲区提供了观察各种鸟类的观察点, including limpkin, 傻瓜, common gallinule, wood ducks, swallowtail kite, osprey, southern bald eagle, woodpeckers, 鸟, hawks, flycatchers, wrens, heron, white ibis and a variety of egrets.
建议在奥克拉瓦哈河上划船, kayaking and canoeing is located at Rodman Recreation Dam and pull out is located at the S. R. 19 Bridge.
在罗德曼休闲区露营可预订. Sites include Recreational vehicle hook-ups, bathrooms and primitive campsites for tents. 预定场地,请致电(386)328-2846.
Directions: The Cross Florida Greenway is located approximately 9 miles south of Palatka on S. R. 19. 要到达罗德曼大坝,向南走S. R. 19 to Rodman Recreation Area. 在罗德曼水坝路右转,然后沿着水坝发射.
墨菲溪保护区主要是与墨菲溪和圣. Johns River, with the limited uplands containing sandhill, flatwoods and hardwood hammock. 墨菲河和墨菲岛组成了这个保护区,保护了St. Johns River and Murphy Creek. 岛屿部分包括沿圣乔治大道为数不多的高地地区之一. Johns River, providing visitors an opportunity for a spectacular view of the river.
One of the special highlights of this property is that it is divided by Murphy Creek. 游客需要乘船前往岛上的小径,可以从St. Johns River. 康乐活动包括远足, bicycling, horseback riding, wildlife viewing and nature study. 原始露营只允许在岛上的指定地点进行, no camping on the inland portion. 墨菲岛有一个乘船登陆点,有超过六英里的徒步小径,还可以观赏野生动物. Bald eagles, gofer tortoises, Virginia opossums, white-tailed deer, bobcats, foxes and numerous waterfowl and wading birds can be found in the wetlands. Boating and canoeing opportunities are available on Murphy Creek and the St. Johns River, and the property is accessible by water; however, 物业内没有发射装置.
Directions: 保护区的入口位于美国海岸附近.S. 17, west on C.R. 309-B. A parking area is approximately one-half mile on the north side of the road.
6200英亩的佛罗里达荒野,拥有超过17个自然群落. 这些自然群落包括覆盖着长叶松的沙丘, wiregrass and sand pine scrub. 这些保护区保护着几种濒危和受威胁的物种, such as the gopher tortoise, 狐狸、松鼠和其他本地动物. Trails, picnic areas, a small boat ramp, canoe/kayak launch, boardwalks, overlooks and equestrian facilities. Twice annually, 公园为游客开放参观,包括乘船游览, trail rides for equestrians, 皮划艇运动员参加扑克比赛,骑自行车的人参加越野跑. 游客们可以开车或徒步沿着主要的公园车道, 观赏令人惊叹的自然群落和丰富的野生动物.
Access to Dunns Creek, 符合ADA标准的捕鱼平台和浮动独木舟发射台, restroom facilities and a parking area are located at the end of the main drive.
Directions: Take U.S. 17, south, turn left on Sisco Rd. 主入口位于320西斯科路. Pomana Park FL. of Pomona Park. 公园的第二个入口位于U.S. 17号,波莫纳公园(Pomona Park)以北,包括有标记的小径和野餐区. The 1.5英里长的黄色徒步和自行车道将游客带到蓝塘的原始水域.
Dunns Creek Conservation Area 毗邻占地6302英亩的邓恩溪州立公园. 该物业的特别亮点之一是它的小径和内部道路,允许游客进出梅斯克flatwoods, hammocks, 其中一部分使用的是一条古老的伐木有轨电车路,这条路穿过长沼泽的中心,贯穿邓恩溪保护区的长度. 沼泽里还有几棵大柏树,从电车上可以看到,它们的大小表明它们是在20世纪初被砍伐的.
More than 5 miles of hiking, 自行车和马术小径穿过保护区, 但是在狩猎季节是被限制的. 指定地点设有野餐区和原始露营区. 沼泽和高地社区供养着各种动物, 包括许多蝾螈物种, toads, 青蛙, snakes, alligators, bobcats, raccoons, white-tailed deer and gray fox. 典型的鸟类包括候鸟和留鸟,如黄冠夜鹭, wood ducks, swallow-tailed kites, red-shouldered hawks, barred owls, woodpeckers and warblers. 欲了解更多信息,请联系St. Johns River Water Management District’s Bureau of Land Management at 386-329-4404.
Directions: Travel south from Palatka on U.S. 17 and turn east on S.R. 100. 走大约三英里到电车路. 沿着有轨电车路走大约半英里到入口处
赖斯溪沼泽覆盖了大约70%的土地. Together with Palmetto Branch, Oldtown Branch and Hickory Branch, 它们都在保护区的西边, 沼泽形成了赖斯溪的源头, a large tributary of the St. Johns River. 该地区在18世纪是一个靛蓝和水稻种植园, 大部分高地在转为公有之前都是作为商业松树种植园进行管理的. 该遗址保护了各种自然群落, including floodplain swamp, flatwoods, dome swamp, 泛滥平原森林和高地混交林. 该地区也是连接伊顿尼亚州立森林和十字佛罗里达绿道的关键地段.
这处房产的特别亮点之一是为18世纪的水稻种植园建造的历史性堤坝,游客可以沿着它走进沼泽的中心,观赏佛罗里达州第七大柏树. A portion of the Florida National Scenic Trail also traverses through the property. 这段小路包括霍夫曼十字路口, an 1,886-foot narrow boardwalk that puts the hiker in the heart of the Rice Creek Swamp.
Recreational activities include hiking, bicycling, horseback riding and primitive camping.
Directions: 从Palatka往西走SR 100,停车场在左边.
乔治湖保护区保护了乔治湖东岸的一半以上以及流入该湖的相关流域. 毗邻与沃卢西亚县合作购买的房产, 保护区还保护着沿着乔治湖和圣乔治河长达20多英里的野生动物走廊. Johns River.
The 35,380英亩的土地主要由混合硬木沼泽和松木平地组成,并被纳入佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护委员会管理的野生动物管理区, 改善湿地及高地生境.
More than 10 miles of horse trails traverse through this conservation area. Camping is allowed with a permit. No ATV’s allowed. 在狩猎季节,小径的使用是有限的.
One of the special highlights of this property is its high concentration of eagles’ nests. 当它被购买时,这个地区是阿拉斯加以外秃鹰最集中的地区. 鹰主要在大片的老松树上筑巢,这些松树在整个湿地中都是单棵的. 它们现在在湿地外种植的树上筑巢. For more information, 联系佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护协会, Northeast Region Office, 352-732-1225.
Directions: From U.S. 17号南,在新月城以西的乔治敦-丹佛路向西拐.